It could be anything that starts it off – something that happened a long time ago – which I can – at first – only dimly recall. some almost forgotten fragrance; slowly summoning up an image – a feeling – a fragment of a song – everyday it’s a getting closer – little chiming bells coming out of a transistor radio..going faster than a roller-coaster. yes, it could be anything floating into my consciousness – from another dimension. in this case my very early childhood – I’m listening to Buddy Holly singing – he’d not long left us, actually. a few months maybe – although I didn’t know any of that stuff then – who he was – what had transpired – it was just a voice on the ether transfixing me – making me focus, for a couple of minutes – I’ve always had trouble focusing on anything – other than art or music….therefore, my life as a creative was forged from the start – I didn’t have any say in it – I was fused  – it’s who I am. I can’t refuse…